
Black Earth Utilities

The Village of Black Earth Utilities recently completed a survey with the DNR of all known information regarding the water laterals throughout the system. After reviewing our records and compiling an initial Village-wide inventory, it appears that some properties may not have copper or High Density Polyethylene water service laterals. This may mean that some water service laterals might be made of lead or galvanized steel which may increase exposure to lead. If you have received a letter in the mail, we would appreciate your cooperation to help us update our records. To update your property information please follow the survey link :, or email:, or call 608-767-2063. We are happy to help answer any questions you may have, and we are also happy to help you with pipe identification. 





Black Earth Utilities provides electric and water service within the Village of Black Earth and rural electric service for nearly 100 miles of rural line outside of the Black Earth village limits. Click here to view Vanguard's service territory map.


To report an outage or if you have any electric service questions, please contact Vanguard Electric at 608-767-2561. For utility billing questions or to start/stop service, call the Black Earth Utilities office at 608-767-2563.


Notice a street light out? Report street light outages directly to Vanguard on the Street Light Repair Request form or call 608-767-2561.

Vote sign on wood background with American flag

Elections & Voting

Are you Ready to Vote? Is Your Voter Registration Current? Are You Planning to Vote Absentee?


My Vote Wisconsin - Did you know you need to update your registration every time you move or if you change your name? You can check your registration and make any updates online at My Vote. Taking a couple of minutes to check NOW can save you a lot of time on election day! You can request your absentee ballots online at . You can choose to submit your request for an absentee ballot for a single election or the whole calendar year. You must be registered to vote before requesting an absentee ballot. There are online registration deadlines, so don't delay!

Person at table reviewing notes with notebook and clipboard in forefront

Clerks Office

Craig Abegglen - Clerk/Treasurer

Beth Marty - Deputy Clerk/Treasurer

Dani Eastman - Administrative Assistant


Village Hall main line: 608-767-2563.


Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 8am-12pm.