Dane-Iowa Wastewater Commission
Terry Moyer - Village President
Norm Hahn - Citizen Member from Black Earth
Tyler Munson - Village Trustee - alternate
The economic development committee is designed to help Promote business development in the Village of Black Earth; Provide advice to the Village Board on economic development policy; Meet with current Black Earth business and prospective business, and Work cooperatively with businesses and state agencies to retain current businesses and attract new business and development to the Village.
Economic Development Committee:
Dylan Helmenstine - Village Trustee
Tyler Munson - Village Trustee
Pam Louis-Reindl - Village Trustee
Peter Antonie and Mary Hall - Gateway
Terry Moyer- Village President - Alternate
Tyler Munson - Village Trustee
Dylan Helmenstine - Village Trustee
Mitch Hodson - Village Trustee
Tom Marks - Village Trustee
Terry Moyer - Village President, alternate
The Parks and Recreation Committee provides recreation and leisure opportunities within the Village of Black Earth. Our parks and recreational opportunities are designed to help local residents improve their overall health and quality of life.
Parks, Grounds, and Recreation Committee Members are:
The plan commission performs a wide variety of functions related to community planning and land use development. Formal roles are outlined in state statutes and local ordinances while informal roles evolve as a result of the nature of the plan commission’s work. Five general roles are outlined below:
-Community Planning
-Plan Implementation
-Public Participation and Education
-Development Review
-Referrals and Advisory Recommendations
Plan Commission Members are:
Tom Marks – Village Trustee
Scott Patchin – Village Trustee
Terry Moyer – Village President
Tom Parrell - Citizen Member
Sybyl Wood - Citizen Member
Pam Louis-Reindl - Village trustee; alternate
Pam Louis-Reindl - Village Trustee
Mitch Hodson - Village Trustee
Terry Moyer - Village President
Jen Schuetz - Community Member
Tom Marks - Village Trustee, alternate
Committee Members are:
Scott Patchin - Village Trustee
Tyler Munson - Village Trustee
Pam Louis-Reindl - Village Trustee
Terry Moyer - Village President Alternative
Commission Members are:
Terry Moyer - Village President
Scott Patchin - Black Earth Village Public Works Chair
Pam Louis-Reindl - Black Earth Village alternate